Maintenece Services

After your site is finished, how do you keep it maintained without exhausting your time and energy?

You get a monthly support service.

A monthly support service is great because it keeps your site pristinely maintained and in proper working order—one less thing you have to worry about.

The specifics will need to be determined after your site is running (we custom tailor this to fit your needs) but this will still give you an idea of what’s included:
  • Managed backups
    • (There are risks of not having backups onsite and off-site of your website—backing up your files will ensure their safety).
  • Patching and updating
    • We will keep your website, and all plugins updated when new versions come out.
  • Guaranteed immediate fixing of any security issues
    • Security threats would be rare because the site would be regularly patched, but we would immediately handle any security issues should they arise.
  • Phone, email/live chat support on using the CMS (WordPress)
    • Once staff learn something like WordPress they pick it up quickly but they love to know they won’t be on their own.
  • A monthly report
    • Includes your web statistics—see how the website is performing—a simple summary.
  • Monthly content updates
    • Have any news or timely updates that need to be added to the site? Send them to us at the beginning of the month and we’ll take care of them for you.

Let’s take a look at the scope of work for our standard monthly support service in more detail. That way, you can get a better idea of the tasks that are included and those that are not.

Tasks we can help you with

  • Backup your site
  • Check Google indexing
  • Check page size and load time
  • Clean up malware
  • Clean up spam
  • Configure a plugin
  • Create a child theme
  • Create backups
  • Fix “White Screen of Death” (site crashes)
  • Fix issues after a WordPress core update
  • Help with templates
  • Improve your site security
  • Improve your site speed
  • Install a caching plugin
  • Install a comment system
  • Install a plugin
  • Install a favicon
  • Make changes to the header, sidebar, and other sections of the site
  • Optimize images
  • Prevent spam
  • Recommend a plugin
  • Recover a hacked site
  • Setup redirects
  • Solve alignment issues
  • Tweak your CSS
  • Update a plugin
  • Update your theme
  • Upgrade WordPress core

Basically, for the standard monthly support service, we only do small fixes and jobs: 30-minute tasks.

Here is a list of larger projects that are out of scope

  • Add custom functionality to a plugin
  • Boost page ranks
  • Build a new site
  • Building site back-links
  • Configure DNS
  • Configure SSL
  • Configure a new theme
  • Create a Google Plus business listing
  • Create a plugin
  • Create images
  • Design
  • Increasing site traffic
  • Multi site support
  • Paid marketing
  • Payment gateway configuration
  • Remove theme customization
  • Research previous theme customization
  • SEO
  • Set up email accounts
  • Set up a new theme
  • Set up a theme for specific pages
  • Site migration between hosts
  • Transfer a non-WP site to WordPress
  • VA tasks (creating, updating and posting content)

If you see tasks listed above that aren’t in the standard monthly support package, not to worry. If you’re interested in our services, click the button below to visit our Contact page or send an email to [email protected]. We can discuss your needs specifically and answer any questions you might have.